Workplace Health and Safety Policy

As a small business operating within the building and construction industry in Tasmania, Woodhams Builders recognises the great importance of conducting our operations in a way that avoids placing unnecessary risk on direct employees, members of the public or any other persons conducting work for the organisation.

It is also our desire to be leaders within our field and as such we understand the role that Workplace Health and Safety plays in creating an environment in which work standards, productivity, positive organisational culture and continual improvement have the opportunity to thrive. As such, the following manual outlines our commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace as well as highlighting the varying roles and responsibilities of different people throughout this ongoing process. The manual also contains the relevant information and documentation required by officers, workers and Workplace Health and Safety authorities.


  • To provide a workplace that is free from risks to health and safety by implementing the highest possible standards to protect workers’ health, safety, mental and social wellbeing.
  • To engage and consult with all workers and others affected by our business or undertakings to ensure hazards are identified and the risks associated with them removed or reduced to the greatest degree.
  • To create a workplace environment where workers and others affected by our business or undertakings are encouraged and supported to raise health and safety issues and help reduce manage them.


Management is firmly committed to a policy enabling all work activities to be carried out safely, and with all possible measures taken to remove (or at least reduce) risks to the health, safety and welfare of employees, contractors, authorised visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our business or undertakings.
We are committed to ensuring we comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2013, the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2013, relevant Australian Standards and relevant Codes of Practice.



Management will ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of:

  • all workers engaged, or caused to be engaged by us
  • all workers whose activities in carrying out work are influenced or directed by us
  • other people, by ensuring they are not put at risk from work carried out as part of our business undertakings.

We will also:

  • provide and maintain a work environment free from risks to health and safety
  • provide and maintain safe plant (equipment), structures and safe systems of work
  • ensure the safe use, handling and storage of plant (equipment), structures and substances
  • provide adequate facilities for the welfare of workers in carrying out work
  • provide any information, training, instruction or supervision that is necessary to protect all people from risks to their health and safety arising from work
  • ensure that the health of workers and the conditions at the workplace are monitored for the purpose of preventing illness or injury of workers arising from our business
  • consult with workers on all matters relating to health and safety


While at work, our workers must:

  • take reasonable care for their own health and safety
  • take reasonable care that what they do, or what they do not do, does not adversely affect the health and safety of other people
  • comply (so far as they are reasonably able to) with any reasonable instruction given by management
  • co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure for work health or safety that has been communicated to them
  • not misuse or interfere with anything provided for work health and safety
  • report all incidents and near misses immediately, no matter how trivial
    engage in consultation with management to identify, assess and control hazards and the effectiveness of such controls
  • report all known or observed hazards to their supervisor or manager.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Woodhams Builders values its employees and recognizes their need for a safe and healthy work environment. Furthermore, employees abusing drugs and alcohol are less productive and are often a risk to the safety and productivity of our Company. The establishment of a Drug-Free Workplace Policy is consistent with this Company’s desire to promote a safe and healthy workplace.


  • Woodhams Builders prohibits the use, possession, sale, manufacture, and/or distribution of alcohol and illegal/controlled substances and/or drug-related paraphernalia while performing duties for the company during working hours.
  • Woodhams Builders also prohibits workers from operating their duties at work while under the influence of these substances.
  • Compliance with this policy will be required as a condition of employment for qualified applicants or for continued employment of current employees. The presence of a detectable amount of any prohibited substance in an employee while working and/or during working hours may be deemed a violation of this policy, regardless of when or where the substance entered the employee’s system.
  • Failure to comply with the provisions of this policy will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including immediate discharge. It will at least result in a consultation in which an employee will be given either a verbal or written warning. After this warning, employees may be discharged should they commit another offence.


To ensure everone remains safe in the event that social events such as Christmas parties or after work drinks occur….

  • everyone is expected to act responsibly,
  • non-alcoholic drinks and food may be provided and
  • alternate public transport arrangements may be available

Bullying Policy

This policy demonstrates that Woodhams Builders has a commitment to the health and safety of its employees and to complying with the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 and the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 1998. This organisation is a bullying-free workplace where everyone is treated with respect.

Bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed toward a worker, or group of workers, that creates a risk to health and safety. It includes behaviour such as:

  • verbal abuse
  • intimidation and threats
  • withholding information that is essential for someone to do their job
  • excluding or isolating others
  • interfering with someone’s personal property or work equipment

One-off behaviours can still present a risk to health and safety and will not be tolerated.
Bullying is taken seriously by this organisation, and will be addressed. Disciplinary action may be taken if this policy is breached.

If you are being bullied, or see others being bullied at work, you can talk to your supervisor, or if this is not possible, talk to Rob Gluckman, the contact person for this policy.
Reports of bullying will be followed up and in serious cases investigated quickly, objectively and fairly.

We seek the co-operation of all workers, contractors, visitors and others whom may be affected by our business or undertakings.
We encourage and support suggestions to create a safe working environment as a result of all possible preventative measures being taken.
This policy applies to all business operations and functions, including those situations where workers are required to work off-site.

Management will review this policy annually, in consultation with workers:

  • to assess the effectiveness of the policy
  • by reviewing our overall health and safety performance
  • by monitoring the effectiveness of policies and procedures.


This policy (and related procedures) shall be displayed where possible.
All workers, contractors and others affected by our business or undertakings will be provided with a copy.
New workers will be provided with a copy as part of their induction.